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What is difference between memo and letter? 2marks 

Answer: Page 173

 Use letters to communicate outside your organization. Whereas the memorandum is the primary vehicle for communication within an organization, The difference between memo and letter is that letter is used to communicate outside the organization whereas memo is used to communicate inside the organization

Write any two rules for capitalization? 2 marks 

Answer: Page 146 file

 1. Capitalize the first words of sentences, including sentences cited in quotations. 

2. Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and subordinating conjunctions.

 3. Capitalize proper names, including any particular person, object, place, project, institution, river, vessel, genus, culture, ethnic group, or formal job title.

 4. The letter I, when used as a pronoun referring to yourself must always be written as a capital letter 

Write any two rules to create visual aids in your communication? 2 marks

 Answer: Page 10

 1. Use color on your slides but avoid orange and yellow which do not show up very well when projected. For text only, white or yellow on blue is pleasant to look at and easy to read. 

2. Typically use a minimum 18pt Times Roman on OHPs, and preferably larger. A guideline is: if you can read the OHP from a distance of 2 meters (without projection) then it's probably OK 

Explain dangling modifier? 2 marks 

Answer: Page 132 file 

A modifier whose connection to the sentence is implied or intended but not actually made explicit is said to dangle. Dangling modifiers detract from the clarity of your writing, so you should make sure your modifiers are properly connected to the words they modify 

What is Basic difference between vague and ornate language? 2 marks 

Answer: Page 136 

Use the simplest most direct words possible. Used for their own sake, ornate words simply distract the reader from your main point. 

Vague Language: Although the amount of detail in your writing will depend on your audience use specific facts whenever possible. These facts make the difference between vague assertions and accurate scientific reporting

 What are you know about open-ended question? 3 marks


How can we create a pie chart? 3 marks

 Answer: Page 118 file

 To create a pie chart, you draw a circle and draw lines that slice it into wedges. Each wedge occupies a portion of the circle’s circumference proportional to the amount of the total pie that the wedge represents. Arrange the wedges in a way that helps your audience determine the rank order of the wedges and compare the relative sizes of particular wedges 

Define the proposal? 3 marks

Answer: Page 61 file

 In a proposal, identify a specific problem and state how you will solve that problem. Most organizations rely on successful proposal writing for their continued existence. You will most likely spend a major part of your professional life writing proposals.

 Write your comments “biased language has bad impression on business writing 5 marks

 What are the basic purposes of business message? 5 marks 

Answer: Page 47 

Common purpose of Business

 Business messages have the following general purposes: 




How can you conducting interview on job? 5 marks 

Answer: Page 152

 Conducting interviews on the job: The conversation bounces back and forth from interviewer to interviewee. Although the interviewer guides the conversation, the interviewee may also seek to accomplish a purpose, perhaps to:

 • obtain or provide information,

 • solve a problem

 • to create goodwill

 • persuade the other person to take action. 

What are the basic purposes of reference in resume? 5 marks

There are how many uses of a question mark? 

Answer: (Page 140) file 

In 3 ways Question Marks can be used. 

Use a question mark to end an interrogative sentence. Have past efforts to develop an AIDS vaccine been based on the wrong approach?

 Use a question mark to change a declarative or imperative sentence into a question. Their testing of the system was exhaustive? [declarative changed to interrogative] Start production on Friday? [imperative changed to interrogative] When a directive or a command is phrased as a question, a question mark is optional. 

Q: what is the common ways establishing credibility while organizing a business massage? 5

 Answer:- Page 54 

Establish Credibility 

Don’t make a false promise. People are more likely to react positively to your message when they have confidence in you. Example Instead of this We hope this recommendation will be helpful. Use this We’re glad to make this recommendation. 

Be Polite:- 

Try to express facts in a kind and thoughtful manner. Use extra tact when writing and when communicating with higher-ups. Promptness is a form of courtesy. 

Project the Company Image:- 

Subordinate your own style to that of the company 

Describe Types of oral communication. 

Answer: (Page 172) file 

Types of Oral communication 

 • Extempore 

 • Impromptu 

 • Memorization 

 • Reading

 • Modes of deliver

 • Delivery guidelines 

How to develop formal speeches and presentations? 

Answer: (Page 163) file 

Developing a major speech or presentation is much like writing a formal report, with one important difference: you need to adjust your technique to an oral communication channel. This is both an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity lies in the interaction that’s possible between you and the audience

 ENG201 Short Notes 23 to 45 PDF ||  ENG201 Short Notes for finalterm 

 Briefly describe correctness in written communication. 

Answer: Page 41 

The following things are at the core of concreteness. 

• Grammar

 • Punctuation 

• Spelling

 The term correctness applied to business messages, also means the following characteristics. Use the right level of language. Check accuracy of figures, facts and words. Maintain acceptable writing mechanics 

“Oral communication has less chances of misunderstanding as compared to written communication”

please give your comment. 

Briefly describe Tables in visual aids. 

Answer: Page 117 

The table is one of the most versatile and widely used visual aids. Tables are used so often because they can help writers achieve several common objectives. For example they are an excellent tool for groups of detailed facts in a concise and readable form.

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