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PART  02

 Technology will not replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great

teachers can be transformational.” Comment on the given statement by George Couros.

Part 2

No doubt, teacher’s role is very important . Like a Mother hen, they are supposed

to perform multiple tasks also, carry out numerous roles cutting across instructing

the understudies, connecting with them, planning their learning materials, leading

and assembling test results, in any event, guaranteeing that each youngster on

their watch is in a decent spot genuinely as it can influence the youngster’s

fixation in class.

Envision, thusly, a device in the possession of each and every instructor and wa

teacher that can work on the day to day What’s more, steadily expanding

responsibility intricacies of actual study hall examples, give liberal information on

every understudy’s exhibition, and fundamentally structure each homeroom

movement. Will be there as soon as humanly possible a very sizable amount of

opportunity to modify and customize informative material for every understudy

,Custom to suit their particular need.

A decent educator figures out the necessities of understudies with various

abilities to learn and getting a handle on limits and likewise adjusts her approach

to making sense of illustrations. With a live and customized homeroom showir ii

understudy has the freedom to seek clarification on some pressing issues and

explain questions without even a moment's pause.