ENG201 Short Notes - Believe me, It is very helpful  must  watch before  paper

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1. Pictographs? 

Answer: Page 118

 You will find pictographs especially useful where you want to do one or both of the following: • Emphasize the practical consequences of the data represented. • Make your data visually interesting and memorable. 

2. Enumeration?

 Answer: Page 148 

Use enumeration in reports and other documents to identify sequences of chapters, sections, page numbers, figures and tables, equations, footnotes, and appendixes. Lengthy reports may contain and enumerate all these items. Any technical or scientific document of more than one page, however, will at least enumerate its pages, as well as any other of these elements that are present. 

3. Commas?

 Answer: Page 138 

In HTnumbers with five or more digits, Anglo-American usage dictates that there should be commas before groups of three digits, counting from the right, except for a group of three digits at the beginning of the number. Example Customers reported a total of 212,413 hardware malfunctions. In 1994, 212 cases had been diagnosed. 

4. Line graph?

 Answer: Page 118

 A line graph shows how one quantity changes as a function changes in another quantity. You can use line graphs in many ways, including the following: –To show trends and cycles: When you want to show a pattern of change over time, line graphs can be very helpful – especially when compared with a table. –To compare trends: Line graphs are also very useful for showing readers how two or more trends compare with one another. –To show how two or more variables interact: Line graphs are well-suited to display interactions between variables. 

5. Buffer?

 Answer: Page 74 

6. What is a sentence fragment?

 Answer: Page 130 

Sentence Fragments: A sentence fragment is missing a subject, a HverbH, or both, but is punctuated as if it were a complete sentence. 

7. What are the important points of instructions for any documents? 

Answer: Page 111 

Points to Remember When writing instructions, you should keep in mind three points: instructions shape attitudes, good visual design is essential, and testing is often indispensable. Each of these points is discussed briefly in the following paragraphs. 

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8. What the role of persuasive speaking? 

Answer: Page 7 

file Persuasive Speaking is used to influence what an audience thinks or does. Some of the goals of persuasive speaking include:

 • to reinforce the attitudes, beliefs, and values an audience already holds 

• to inoculate an audience against counter persuasion 

• to change attitudes 

• to motivate an audience to act 

9. Writer’s Block?

 Answer: Page 124 file 

There are many sources of writer’s block, some of them are 

1. Lack of information 

2. Lack of a well defined purpose 

3. Poor knowledge of the audience 

4. Lack of confidence. 

10. Open ended question?

 11. Narrate difference purpose of conducing interview on a job? 

12. Explain · Open ended question? 

Answer: Page 154

 To obtain both factual information and underlying feelings, you’ll probably use various types of questions. Open-ended questions invite the interviewee to offer an opinion, not just a yes, no, or one- word answer You can learn some interesting and unexpected things from open-ended questions, but they may diminish your control of the interview. 

The other person’s idea of what’s relevant may not coincide with yours, and you may waste some time getting the interview back on track.

 Use open-ended questions to warm up the interviewee and look for information when you have plenty of time to conduct the conversation.

 · Close ended question? 

Answer: Page 155

 Closed-ended questions require yes or no answers or call for short responses. For example 

“Did you make a reservation for the flight?”

 Questions like these produce specific information, save time, require less effort to answer, and eliminate bias and prejudice in answers. 

The disadvantage of such questions is that they limit the respondent’s initiative and may prevent important information from being revealed. They’re better for gathering information than for prompting an exchange of feelings

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Q: Write a note on correctness principle of communication? 2 

Answer:-Page 41

 The following things are at the core of concreteness. 

• Grammar 

• Punctuation 

• Spelling

 Q: Difference between latter and memorandum? 2 


The difference between memo and letter is that letter is used to communicate outside the organization whereas memo is used to communicate inside the organization.

Q: What are organizational charts? 2

  Answer: Page 119 

An organizational chart uses rectangles and lines to represent the arrangement of people and departments in an organization. It reveals the organization’s hierarchy, indicating how the smaller units are combined to create larger units. It also indicates who reports to whom and who gives direction to whom. 

Q: How will you make favorable response to claim and adjustment request? 3 

Answer: Page 7

2 Don’t blame an individual or a specific department, and avoid such lame excuses as “Nobody’s perfect” or “Mistakes will happen.’ 

Q: The Rules of Capitalizing Multiple -Words Tittles and proper names? 3 

Answer:- Page 146 

1. Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and subordinating conjunctions. 

2. Capitalize any word, regardless of the part of speech, if it is the first or last word of the title or subtitle or a proper name or if it follows a punctuation mark indicating a break in the title 

Q: What problems do we face while using staked modifies and nouns, and how can we over comes then? 3 

Answer: Page 130

 Avoid using long strings of modifiers or nouns. These stacked modifiers and nouns can be hard to read and sometimes create ambiguity. Add a few words (especially prepositions and conjunctions) to make the relationships between nouns clear to the reader. 

Q: How is a diagram created? 3 

Answer:-119 • 

Decide exactly what you want to show. 

• Create an appropriate means to represent your subject with geometric shapes, or perhaps sketches that suggest their appearance. 

• Provide the explanations people need in order to understand your diagram as a separate key, in the title or as part of the diagram itself. 

Q: Difference b/w consideration and courtesy? 5 


 The difference between consideration and courtesy is the feeling that goes behind it. Consideration is more compassionate and has more depth because when you are considerate of another persons needs or feelings you care and are concerned about what to do concerning that person. On the other hand, courtesy is mainly because you feel like it's the right thing to do, you don't care as much or you don't have much attachment to why you are doing it. 

Q: Difference b/w Table of content and appendix of a report? 5 


 The table of contents provides an outline of analysis reports for readers who do not wish to read the entire report or flip through it looking for the section which contains what they are looking for . on the other hand , appendix would include derivations of equations, tables of raw data, sample equations, and so forth. But the only way to be certain that what is placed in the appendix belongs there is to assess it within the context of audience needs

 Q: The Qualities of a good manuscript? 5

Answer:-Page 126

 A manuscript should be visually attractive. This means that it should be orderly, that there should be obvious divisions and subdivisions. A manuscript should invite readership. The type should be clear in a manuscript, and the production should not be sloppy. A report or paper must be sufficiently detailed. There should be enough detail, though, to satisfy the projected readers’ needs for information. After this, the document must be proofread, which should not be confused with editing. While editing requires being judgmental, proofreading is a quick checking for errors. 

Q: what is the common ways establishing credibility while organizing a business massage? 5

 Answer:- Page 54 

Establish Credibility 

Don’t make a false promise. People are more likely to react positively to your message when they have confidence in you. Example Instead of this We hope this recommendation will be helpful. Use this We’re glad to make this recommendation. 

Be Polite:- 

Try to express facts in a kind and thoughtful manner. Use extra tact when writing and when communicating with higher-ups. Promptness is a form of courtesy. 

Project the Company Image:- 

Subordinate your own style to that of the company 

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