CS602 Current Final Term Paper 2023
paper cs602
Difference between OpenGL and glut (5).
The Refractive index of the meteril is 1.7 and the refractive index of air is 1 to calculate the critical angle. (5).
What would you understand by the term the camera analogy? (5).
Different methods to write pixels on the screen (3).
Purpose of open Gl (3).
Name three lighting schemes that have effects on color. (3).
Simplified third-degree equation of Bezier curve(3).
MCQs are most past papers.
Today cs602 final term paper
MCQs mostly from moaaz file at least 16 to 17 mcqs
1. difference between quadrant & cubic parametric curves?
2. Find incident angle if reflective angle 48 deg.?
3. Write three names of OpenGL functions?
4. Write three names of OpenGL which are between glbegin & glend?
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