MCQs very easy from vu-topper file and important quiz from YouTube

Different Millennials and digital native
Components of quality assurance system
Five biggest challenges to face business organization when transfer into online media
Arrangements of business plan layout and reason why we designing layout
Primary customer and secondary customer in book store 
If you are dealing your business by machines and equipment what type of industrial goods and why use?
Enlist two complimentary activities that are leading focus on online business organization

Mgt211 fasial town lhr

7-8 mcqs repeated  from the quizes 
10 -12 from handouts 
Other all were conceptual  
Short question
  components of quality control  
What shoud we keep in mind while setting the advertisement  budget 
Managerial style pr tha conceptual  
Total value management wla b tha 
Four p's ma sy tha wo b conceptual  tha 
Long ma classification  of products  
Distribution  channel for consumers  good 
Activities  of business  that can be transformed  digitally

Mgt211 important lectures 21,22 40 to 45 may sy zeda aya tha marketing mix, product life cycle, feature of prosperity buyer's,digital business strategy most important