
Concreteness means that a message is specific, definite and vivid. If a message lacks these qualities, it will be vague  and general. To achieve concreteness, denotative words will be used instead of connotative words.  The following guideline should help you compose concrete, convincing message.

• Use specific facts and figures

• Put active verbs in the sentences



 means that for a Company to survive, it must establish markets not only in it own country but  also in money foreign countries.

Thus employees must understand other cultures as well as their own country’s ethnic diversity.


1. Background to intercultural communication

2. National cultural variables

3. Individual variables


There are different styles in fashion and it is difficult to say which one is the best. Nowadays firms use the

following typestyles and formats:

1. The Block-form / Modified – Block

2. Full-Block

3. The Semi-Block

4. AMS (Administrative Management Society)


1.   The Block-form / Modified – Block


This form is named so because inside address, salutation and paragraphs are blocked not indented in this form.  If plain paper is being used, heading, date, complimentary close and signature are typewritten at the horizontal  centre of the page. Place so that they end near the right hand margin.  Double spaces between two parts are given while single space is used within the paragraph. In Pakistan, closed  punctuation is used. This form is a time saver as no part is indented in it.


2. Full Block

This format is considered to be the most modern. All essential parts in this form are started from the left-hand  margin. Open punctuation should be used in this form. This form saves time more than any other form.


3. The Semi-Block

This form is much used in Pakistan. Heading, date, complimentary close and signature sections begin at the

horizontal of the page or are placed so that they end near the right-hand margin. First line of each paragraph is

indented five to seven spaces. Only closed form of punctuation is used in this form. This letter style is attractive

on the page.


4. AMS (Administrative Management Society)

It has been in use since 1950, AMS is simple style. It uses full–block form and open punctuation. No salutation  or complimentary close is used. Reader’s name is used in the first and last  sentences. Subject and writer’s name  are typed in capitals.


Punctuation Styles

1. Close Punctuation

Parts of heading, date, inside address, salutation and complimentary close are punctuated.


2. Standard Punctuation

No line of heading or inside address is punctuated. After salutation and complimentary close a comma is placed.


3. Open Punctuation

It requires no punctuation even after the salutation and the complimentary close.