benefits of  omega-3 supplements

 actions of omega-3s as antioxidants.

The marine-derived omega-3 fatty acids, or antioxidant fats EPA and DHA, have been found to strengthen antioxidant defences to promote heart, brain, joint, eyesight, and overall body health:*


Omega-3 fatty acids

 have been found to promote mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and boost the expression and activity of important antioxidant enzymes in myocardial tissue, the layer of tissues that surrounds the heart's chambers. This improves the heart's antioxidant capacity.

They improve muscle performance while exercising: Free radicals and reactive oxidative species (ROS) are inevitable byproducts of frequent exercise. Omega-3s have been demonstrated to improve the body's antioxidant defences and reduce oxidative balance during exercise.


The lipid mediators electrophilic fatty acid oxo-derivatives (EFOX), which are produced from the marine omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, have been demonstrated to boost antioxidant responses in the brain. *


how taking an omega-3 pill lengthens life.


The majority of Americans don't consume enough fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, anchovies, sardines, and mackerel) to support the recommended omega-3 consumption, despite the fact that it is easy to obtain a useful amount of omega-3 fatty acids from your diet to support these antioxidant effects.

You may easily and effectively boost your body's antioxidant capacity by taking a premium, high-potency omega-3 supplement (one that is pure, sustainably derived, and offers one gramme or more of EPA plus DHA).