BIF101-Assignment 01 Fall 2022 

Due Date 25-11-2023 

Sample Solution

Most Important This is just a sample solution with higher level of plagiarism. A Student must capture the idea or concept from here or from any source and then write in his own words or Copying same assignment Will Result in Zero marks or Just Passing through Re-Writing or paraphrasing tools will result in low marks ,because has has revised its grading scheme and has given strict measures regarding this case .

Q.1 How many chemical components are there in DNA?And What are the chemical bonds that connect each of the component in DNA?

 (5 marks) 

A)Chemical Components of DNA

DNA has three chemical components: (deoxyribose) sugars, phosphate groups, and nitrogenous bases. Each individual nucleotide, the subunit of a DNA molecule, consists of one sugar molecule, one phosphate group, and one nitrogenous base. DNA is made of two linked strands that wind around each other to resemble a twisted ladder — a shape known as a double helix. Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups. Attached to each sugar is one of four bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) or thymine (T). A molecule consisting of a nitrogen-containing base 

(adenine, guanine, thymine, or cytosine in DNA; adenine, guanine), a phosphate group, and a sugar is nucleotide B)Chemical Bonding types in DNA There are three types of bond present in DNA and they are hydrogen bond, Phosphodiester bonds and glycoside bonds, where Phosphodiester bonds exist between the nucleotides, hydrogen bond exists between the nitrogenous base and glycoside bond exists between the pentose sugar molecule and nitrogenous base. Covalent bonds occur within each linear strand and strongly bond the bases, sugars, and phosphate groups (both within each component and between components). Hydrogen bonds occur between the two strands and involve a base from one strand with a base from the second in complementary

Q.2 Define the following terms 

( 5 marks) 

a. Character

 b. Trait

 c. Genotype and Phenotype 

d. True breed and Pure breed

 a. Character

character, in biology, any observable feature, or trait, of an organism, whether acquired or inherited. An acquired character is a response to the environment; an inherited character is produced by genes transmitted from parent to offspring (their expressions are often modified by environmental conditions)

 b. Trait

 A trait, as related to genetics, is a specific characteristic of an individual. Traits can be determined by genes, environmental factors or by a combination of both. Traits can be qualitative (such as eye color) or quantitative (such as height or blood pressure). Biological traits describe species' physiology, morphology, life history, and behavior, capturing both inter-specific interactions and the connections between species and their environment.

 c. Genotype and Phenotype 


 The human genetic code could be found by their genotype. It determines the traits which will be expressed. Organisms that look the same do not have the same genotype. Biological tests can determine genotype.


As discussed earlier, both the genotype and phenotype sound similar but have differences. The phenotype is determined by an individual’s genotype and expressed genes or by visible traits, for instance, hair colour or type, eye colour, body shape, and height. It depends on the genotype but is also influenced by environmental factors. 

d. True breed and Pure breed 

A purebred refers to offspring resulting from a true breeding. True breeding is a way to produce offspring that would carry the same phenotype as the parents. Thus, a purebred would result when the parents are homozygous for certain traits True-breeding plants are genetically identical for the character(s) being investigated. Pure breeds do not show variations and transmit the same traits for several generations upon self-pollination.

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